types of appliances

Orthodontic records will be necessary to determine the type of treatment, appliances to be used, the duration of treatment time, and the frequency of visits. Records consist of models of the teeth, x-rays of the jaws and all the teeth-Orthopantomograms (OPG), and photographs. In special occasions Cephalograms (x-ray of the whole head, usually in profile) are needed.

Orthodontic treatment can be carried out with success at any age and adults especially appreciate the benefits of a beautiful smile. One in every five patients in orthodontic treatment is over 21. Jaw surgery is more often required for adult orthodontic patients because their jaws have stopped growing. Adults may have also experienced some breakdown or loss of their teeth and bone that supports the teeth and may require periodontal treatment before, during, and/or after orthodontic treatment. Bone loss can also limit the amount and direction of sufficient tooth movement.


to specialistic practice “Ortodoncia”!