Meet Dr. Lekë Jakupi

Dr. Lekë Jakupi

I feel very fortunate to be in orthodontics, and to have the chance to help others by straightening their teeth and improving their appearance.

In general Dentistry is a very pleasant profession, and Orthodontics in particular is the peak of the profession. It is the most precise, the most delicate and the most elegant branch of Dentistry, because it represents a combination of Science and Art. It is a field that requires great planning and engagement, but at the end the result of the therapy is something incredible that justifies the whole process.

My goal is to have a modern practice, with Western Standards and with a kind and contemporary approach towards patients.

I am proud to have the opportunity to serve in my country by providing the very best orthodontic care.

Education and Continuing Education
I graduated from University of Prishtina, Faculty of Medicine, School of Dentistry, in Prishtina, Kosovë.

I received my Certificate in Orthodontics from “Ss. Cyril and Methodius” University, Faculty of Dentistry, in Skopje, Macedonia.

During the residency program I have attended a number of seminars, symposiums and Congresses in the Dental and Orthodontic field.

Outside the Office
I am born and brought up in Prishtina. During my residency I have lived in Skopje, Mk. for 4 years.

In my free time I enjoy reading, as well as being active by walking. Another sport that I also love is swimming!

I love music and have a lot of songs on my iPod!

Movies are one of the things I can’t resist.

I like to travel. I visit America very often. Traveling has widened my horizons and has made me more liberal in many aspects.

I do not follow politics, or anything in that context.


to specialistic practice “Ortodoncia”!